You are currently viewing Baked Goat Meat with Fried Green Plantains

Baked Goat Meat with Fried Green Plantains

All there is to love with the simplicity of this savory, mouth watering Tasso Cabrit ak Banan Peze that is sure to rock your Sunday. Can I get an Amen?!

Learn how to make this delicious Haitian dish using our very own Le Bon Goût’s Mild Meat Seasoning, and a bunch of other simple ingredients




Le Bon Goût’s Mild Meat Seasoning

2 lbs of Goat Meat (Cubes)

3 Green Plantains

1/2 cup of Sour Orange Juice

1 Lemon

Olive Oil

* Optional:

Le Bon Goût’s Pikliz

*Disclaimer: The goat meat is usually fried, however we opted to bake them instead to be on the healthier side. When the meat is baked, the meat is much more flavorful and tender.

Ready to get cooking?


  • Part 1

  • Part 2

10. Pair the Fried Green Plantains with the Baked Goat Meat. Serve them hot with Le Bon Goût’s Pikliz and enjoy. Bon appétit !